Order of play
Note: If your start time is 10.00am or 6.30pm you can warm up on court for up to 30 mins before the stated start time. Matches that start at 2.00pm or 8.00pm must warm up at the stated start time. Start when ready. Please turn up at least 15mins before your match is due.​
Match Formats
Singles (no handicap)
Best of 3 sets
All sets will be regular tie-break at 6-6 (first to 7 with 2 points clear)
Doubles (handicapped)
Best of 3 sets
All sets will be handicapped tie-break at 6-6 (first to 7 with 2 points clear)
Continue in the serving pattern of the set
If the total number of handicap points is even, start the tie-break normally:
From the ‘deuce’ side, with the first player only serving once and change ends after every 6 points
If the total number of handicap points is odd, start the tie-break as if the first point has been played:
From the ‘advantage’ side with the first server serving twice. Change ends after the first 5 points, and then after every 6 points​
Doubles that are 'scratch' (ie incurring no handicap)
Best of 3 sets
All sets will be regular tie-break at 6-6 (first to 7 with 2 points clear)
Notes on handicapping
Game handicaps rollover, ie the Game 7 = Game 1, Game 8 = Game 2 etc
Game handicaps reset back to Game 1 at the start of a new set
Tie-break handicaps do not rollover
Our handicap system allocates points within games across the set or tiebreak based on the combined ranking of all the players involved. A players ranking takes into consideration the level at which someone is playing, the teams they play for, and what division those teams are in.
Handicaps will be emailed with match schedules and are also available on the links below.
Weekday matches start at 6.30pm and 8.00pm (ie first serve)
Weekend matches will start at 10.00am, 12 noon, 2.00pm, 4.00pm (ie first serve)
All matches must start promptly and be completed.
Courts are booked from 6.00pm, 10.00am and 1.30pm respectively to allow a warm-up time.
8.00pm match times may start early or late depending on court availability. Please arrive at 7.30pm just in case.
Lights go out at 10.00pm.
Organisers will be at the club to assist with floodlights, to collect results and deal with any issues.
Please do not leave the club till you have given your result to the duty organiser.
You must provide your own match balls.
Please turn up even if rain is forecast and you think it might be cancelled. Our courts drain very quickly, and if they are playable matches will go ahead. We have a tight schedule.
We aim to schedule matches at least 48 hours in advance.
The entry fee is £5 per competition or £12 for all 3. Fees should be paid by BACS during the first week of the tournament. West Heaton bank details are sent by email when you register.
A link to the contact details of all competitors will be sent by email. We recommend contacting any doubles partners in advance.
There are no cash prizes but every finalist will receive a shiny trophy to display on their mantelpiece!